Welcome to DATAR

The Diversity Assessment Tool for Agrobiodiversity and Resilience to feed and restore our planet

What is DATAR?

The Diversity Assessment Tool for Agrobiodiversity and Resilience (DATAR) is a new open-source pilot software platform with a web interface, the DATAR Web Portal, and an Android App that will allow the integration of diverse crop varieties, livestock breeds, and aquatic farmed-types into decision-making plans.







Why use DATAR?
Because we DON’T stop at the species level!

Food systems, agricultural development, and climate resilience planning usually stop at the SPECIES level, deciding which crop, livestock or aquatic animal would be best suited to improve local livelihoods.
DATAR goes one step further. DATAR harnesses the tremendous amount of INTRA-SPECIFIC DIVERSITY maintained locally and worldwide as diverse sets of crop VARIETIES, livestock BREEDS and aquatic FARMED-TYPES into programs to feed and restore our planet.

What does DATAR do?


Register to use DATAR

Download the DATAR app

  • download the app here if the Play Store is not available in your country

What's new from DATAR

DATAR: Goals-Assessments-Actions

A new one page information sheet describing the DATAR Steps: from Goal setting to Diversity Assessment and Validation, to Identifying Constraints and Taking Action -- is now available for downloading.

DATAR Brochure

The DATAR information flyers are now available for downloading and distribution in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Italian, Russian, and Spanish!


We are pleased to announce that DATAR is playing a significant role in the assessment of agrobiodiversity for several countries including Niger, Burkina Faso and Uganda in the Resilient Food Systems Programme.